The summer break is here – but that doesn’t mean the Golden Apples Family fun has to end. Stay tuned for news and top tips and summer activities!

10 Things To Try This Summer!
With the nurseries quieting down over the summer, the weekly Golden Apples Family Nurseries News Round-up will be bringing you top tips on things to do with the kids over August and early September.
1. Visit somewhere in your locality 2. Visit a different locality and send a postcard from there

3. Have a mad hair day 4. Wear PJs all day 5. Camp (outside or in)

6. Ride a pony (or use a pool noodle instead!) 7. Have a topsy turvy day (breakfast for dinner, pudding first!) 8. Have a day without electronics

9. Find an unusual place to read a book 10. Make real lemonade with real lemons
Nurseries News!

Bluebell, Eltisley
The kids at Bluebell received a really thoughtful gift recently – a signed copy of Julia Donaldson’s The Smeds And The Smoos from one of our lovely families. Thank you so much – we will treasure it forever!

The Appletree, Attleborough
There's still time to borrow a ‘Getting Ready for School Bag’ from your local library.
The bags are free to borrow for three weeks and inside you'll find books and information to help you and your child feel more prepared in advance of starting school.

Books in bags may vary from those pictured – contact Norfolk Libraries for Families for further details.
Happy reading!