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Nurseries News Round-Up – Week 61

Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!


The Anchor, Huntingdon

We decided to throw an amazing Summer Garden Party,

The children had the best day – and so did the staff!

Extra special thanks to DJ Jojo who smashed the music.


Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge

We had some new chefs making pizza at Woodbridge this week.

They may be little – but they’ve clearly got huge culinary talent!


The Beacon, Rendlesham

It was the last supper for a couple of our Pre-Schoolers – before the summer holidays and their new adventure at big school.

So the whole nursery came together at lunchtime to enjoy their food as one big, happy family!


The Cornerstone, Martlesham

In Pre-School, shaving foam was used with cups in a tray to make pretend ice creams!

Different-coloured conditioner was added to use as different ice cream syrups. What a lovely, messy play time!

Meanwhile, the Barn Owls coloured in different ice lollies.


The Appletree, Attleborough

As we draw to the end of another fabulous term here at the Appletree Nursery, we would like to thank all those who helped make this a wonderful and successful year.

We start by saying a heartfelt huge thanks to our wonderful staff team, who we warmly acknowledge for all their hard work, support, passion, and commitment – we honestly couldn’t do the things we do without them.

And of course, we will say goodbye to all of those children who are moving on to a new big school in September, we wish them all of the best in the next chapter of their lives – we were honoured to be a part of their early years.

For those that are leaving us, have a wonderful summer. We are of course open throughout the summer holidays and look forward to seeing those returning next week for more adventures.

Finally, we would like to say a huge thanks to all of our lovely families for the cards, gifts and fabulous sweet treats. We couldn’t fit everything in the photo, but we truly appreciate every single gift.


Head Start, Ramsey

Head Start Nursery currently have limited spaces available within our Baby Room for September 2023.

If you are looking for a nursery with a Good Ofsted rating, that provides children with a “rich environment with a variety of meaningful learning opportunities” alongside “supportive and fantastic” staff, please get in touch either by emailing: or calling: 01487 711122.


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